Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lo, the winter is past

Okay, so I haven't posted in quite a while. Thought I should update that after our mid-April snow dump, we actually have had some delightful spring days.The snow is gone! At least in the valley. We like it up on the mountains because it's so wonderful to look at without having to shovel or trudge through it.

During the snow deluge, G'pa was here for a too short visit. Once the snow melted and before he left town we hit the park for some outdoor fun.Here, we're mocking Emily because she is incapable of making the Spock hand.
It helps if you say out loud, "Wicki-wicki-wicki-wicki-worrrrrrd" while you look at it.

Shelby the wonder mutt, basking in the simple joys of a grassy field with so many smells to enjoy.We had a great visit with G'pa. Just not long enough.Now the other Grandparents are here...sorry no pics of them yet. We're too busy enjoying our time together to photo op. I'll try to get Karen to document some of the highlights of the coming days.Ahhhh...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm dreaming of a...

White Easter?

We had a nice snow storm yesterday, April 15. Big flakes, heavy snow. Got about 3-4 inches.

In mid-April.

Will Spring never come?

Then, this morning we wake up to this:Are you kidding me?In case you can't read the ruler, it says 9 inches of snow on our deck.

We already had daffodils blooming in the yard in front of our house.Oh, you can't see them? They're right there on the left corner of the porch. Oh, wait...THEY'RE BURIED IN SNOW!!

On April stinkin' 16th!"They" say that it'll be gone by tomorrow. After we possibly get some more this afternoon.I love winter, but this is nuts. Beautiful, but nuts.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

From the Smith five

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Come on baby light my fire

Way back in the early fall of '08, we noticed an odd addition in the orchard behind our house. It was a collection of large pieces of wood, some as long as 15-20 feet, arranged so that they looked like the preparation for a large, and I mean LARGE, bonfire. The teepee shaped pile was probably 15 feet at it's peak.

We were trying to imagine the marshmallows one would roast on such a fire. Or perhaps the enormous boar that would be turned on a gigantic spit suspended 20 feet in the air. Or worse yet, some sort of tribalistic ritual involving naked dancers, head dresses and long spears.

The pile had been there so long, now, that we really didn't notice it anymore, in spite of the fact that it lay there a mere 75 feet from our back fence.

But when we came home one day last week, we couldn't help but notice it again.

It was ablaze. Ignited. Flame on.

There was a mild curiosity about this sudden conflagration. Why was it being burned? Why now? Was our house going to smell like a summer camp devotion? Was anyone going to monitor said fire lest it spread past it's already substantial boundary?

But mostly, it was rather mesmerizing. Peaceful, even, in a this-force-could-destroy-you-and-everything-you-own kind of way.

So I post it here to share with you. Feel free to burn some mallows over the stove, make some instant hot cocoa and play the video.

And enjoy the lack of smoke smell clinging to your clothes.