Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Here's how we like Spring in Utah.
Lovely green grass and flowering trees in the valley.

Beautiful snow-covered peaks on the horizon.
Snow to be gazed at...from a distance. And only experienced with skis or snowboard.

On a trail.

By choice.

This is the scene to which we woke up, today, April 30.
This isn't postcard snow, to be gazed at from afar. This is snow on our remind-us-that-Spring-really-is-here tulips.
This is in-your-face 4 inches on the grass, and green tree leaves bravely peeking out of their now snow-covered blankets.
The only good thing about a Spring snow like this is it will be gone before the end of the day.

At least I hope it will.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen!

Sorry for the long silence.

Kind of been in one of those periods where I thought maybe it was best NOT to post, lest my defeating, and sometimes venomous, thoughts infect others...or damage my sterling reputation permanently.

So, in honor of that most holy day, Resurrection Sunday, I return.
With eggs!

After a wonderful morning at church with the UpStreet gang, celebrating Jesus' return to life, we came home to a delicious meal (prepared by the most fabulous chef, and hottest to boot, Karen!) of ham, cheesy potatoes, homemade rolls, and fresh steamed broccoli. Succulent, I tell you. My taste buds are still partying in my mouth.

When the dishes were cleared, it was time to hide eggs. Now, yes, our girls are all really too old to hunt for eggs, but it was a beautiful day, and really, who doesn't like to play a live version of "Where's Waldo" with brightly colored balls of protein, no matter what their age?

We had some baskets, quite suited to egg holding, but Jenna would have none of them. Nay, she needed to design her own basket...out of an old plastic bin from the dollar store
...and duct tape. Lovely isn't it?

Her sisters were quite perplexed at her choice of Easter basket, but after a brief shunning, the hunt was on.
Oh, those wily eggs! So determinedly cloaked by the lush spring grass.
Oh, those patient hunters! So undeterred in their search for those pastel orbs of joy!
Without fail, all 21 eggs were safely retrieved, and splendiferous delight was the phrase of the hour.

Well, maybe not slendiferous delight. But a hearty, "Ok. We found them. Can we go back inside now?" did sum up our emotions nicely.Happy Easter from the Smith House!