Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor-less Day

Shouldn't Labor Day be called something else? I mean, we all take a rest from labor, right? So, Recovery Day, or Restful Day? In Utah, we call it Snow Day.

Yes, September 1st and we have the first snowfall on Mt. Timpanogos. So strange to look out from our deck and see snow capping the peaks.No snow here in the valley, but we've only had a high of 62 degrees at our house. Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall in 12 hours!

We spent the day at home mostly. Anya spent the night with a friend so Karen & I ventured out before noon and picked her up. We embraced the cool weather with, at Jenna's request, Tortilla Soup, a family favorite. And we had a family tournament of Probe, a really old game that's kind of like Hangman.

Oh, and Emily grabbed the camera for a few self-portraits of her own.

Strikingly beautiful...yes?

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