Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pirates of the Living Room

Draw yer swords, yeh swarthy vermin! Stand and fight like a man...or a girl!

Sabres rattled as we locked steel in battle to the death!
Okay, pointy things clicked as we smacked plastic in a mostly silly fight to the giggliest.

We swung from mast to crow's nest on the most thread-bare of rigging ropes!
Or, maybe we just climbed on the living room furniture.

Deep sword cuts gushed blood as we valiantly fought against faintness due to the mortal wounds we sustained.
Well, we got a few scratches due to the broken plastic.
Neither pirate emerged the victor as both lay gasping their final breaths, surrounded by friends who lamented the loss of ones so courageous.

We both ended up on the floor gasping for breath, while Anya hid under the table to do her homework far from the flailing "sabres".

Dangerous? No. Fun? Most definitely, yes!


5growinbrownies said...

Our pirate crew wants to challenge your crew to a fight! ;O)Pick your time!

The Fox Den said...

You guys are a riot! I love it!!