Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Friday, June 5, 2009

Free fallin'

Later this morning, I will willingly board an airplane, allow myself to be strapped to an individual I've just met, then together with said individual step from the door of that airplane at a height somewhere around 13,000 feet above the Utah Desert, and experience the glorious rush of almost 60 seconds of free fall towards the ever closing ground at a speed of about 120 mph, then feel the gentle tug as our parachute opens and we splendidly descend to the airport from whence we began our adventure.

Or, the chute doesn't open and I end up as a wet spot in the middle of the dry desert.

If you see a post later today, you'll know it was the former, not the latter.
It's gonna be stinkin' AWE-some!

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