Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sweet Sixteen

I admit it. This is WAY overdue. I haven't posted for 5 weeks.


In my defense, we have been a bit busy. End of school, two week vacation, two birthdays, an anniversary. There hasn't been just a ton of time for this.

Perhaps more correctly, I haven't made time for this.

But after multiple occasions of hearing the many women in my house ask, "When are you going to post on the blog?", I decided I needed to step up.

So we'll begin with what occurred the day after the last post. Anya turned 16. SIXTEEN!?!


We celebrated on her special day with just the fam. She got presents from all of us.Multiple gift cards to the bookstore (perhaps her favoritest place on earth).Earrings and bookmarks from her sisters.
Grandma and Paka were still here for her day. After a lovely dinner at Macaroni Grill, we grabbed two last snaps with them before they went to bed and left us the next morning at o'dark early.A few days later, we celebrated with a "little friends" birthday party.

You see, Anya has several kids that she babysits regularly and sees at church. They all think Anya is the bomb. Kind of her own little mini posse. And when her 16th birthday approached, she said, "I want to have a birthday party with all my little friends, so we can play games, and act silly and do all the fun party stuff. If I invite my older friends, that kind of stuff would just be awkward."

So that's what we did.There was pizza, of course. On the floor, because pizza tastes better there, I think.And the cake. Complete with Sweet Sixteen tiara. Tres chic.Lots of fun gifts from friends.
And the always popular unwrap-the-multi-layered-multi-boxed-present-while-wearing-annoying-plastic-gloves game.Good gravy! How many layers did I wrap that thing in?15 minutes later the present was finally unwrapped.

There was more frivolity, crafts, and a final group gathering on the trampoline.
My baby is really 16! - {lump in throat and watery eyes inserted here}-

1 comment:

Jstar said...

Happy very belated birthday, Anya! It looks like a *fabulous* day in every way