Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Check these out...

Two quick plugs for a book and a CD I just came across this week.

The first is a book by Nancy Ortberg:

This is the BEST non-fiction book on the Christian life that I have read in years. Maybe she just connects with me where I am right now. From my viewpoint, utterly brilliant. Simple to read, authentic, gripping, nod my head, weep with joy, laugh, keep the light on and stay up late...don't miss this.

Second, a new CD, just out on May 20, from one of my favorite artists, Warren Barfield.

Warren has a kind of blues-y voice over guitar-led tracks. Great lyrics, great music. I honestly don't know why this guy hasn't gotten more airplay on Christian radio...probably some sort of conspiracy. So I'm doing my part to spread the word. His previous release, "Reach" is fab-o, too.

Sorry, no news of the Smith Fam this time. Just good ways to spend your hard earned bucks.

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