So, school is back in session this week. Anya starts Monday and Em & Jen on Wednesday.
Anya is now a 9th grader. NINTH! How and when did this happen? She is now a freshman!(although, here she is still at the middle school; sophomores move to the high school)
This just seems utterly freaky to me; I know I've had over 14 years to get ready, but it feels like it just came out of nowhere. Grades count, for real, now. She's becoming ever more independent. And (please Lord in the name of all that is holy, don't let this happen soon) she may soon think that some boy is actually worth paying attention to. ACK!
Tomorrow begins a new era for Anya and for us.
In commemoration of back to school, some pics of all the girls this summer.
Anya with Paka & Grandma in July:
Jenna & Paka:
Emily with Aunt Evonne:
After this school year, we will have one child in High School, one in Middle School and one in Elementary School.
No wonder my hair is gray...
Nate and I were just talking about how time has flown and that we can't believe J & H are in 4th! I will be completely crazy by the time they hit 9th I assure you :)
I wouldn't worry too much about Anya finding some boy. I told her that all boys are cootie infested and not worth being around. I'm pretty sure she's convinced.
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