Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Racing

Probably the favorite of the assorted gifts under the Christmas tree this year was the addition of three new games to our Wii family: Mario Kart, Cooking Mama, and Lego Indiana Jones.As you can see, there was much excitement. I think their favorite was Mario Kart.For you MarioKart virgins, it's a racing a game, with the Wii remote functioning as a steering wheel while you drive your car, cart or bike through various race courses. You can play alone or up to four of you can race at once. Highly entertaining.

And the unique twist that our girls put on is that, unlike boys who simply race and trash talk each other while they attempt to win, they identify the relationships of the twelve different characters who drive the vehicles. You know, who's married, who's dating, whose child is whose, who's the evil brother, who's someone's pet. Because, for a girl, it can't just be about winning; it always comes down to the relationship.But they still manage to get pretty intense during the races, here with G'pa joining in the fun.

By the way, all the games are big hits with the fam. Cooking Mama uses the Wii remote as various utensils and actions as you prepare meals in the kitchen. Doesn't sound like much, but it's strangely fun to chop, grind, stir, dice, crack, sizzle, coat and cook as the lovely french accented voice says "ecc-sell-ent!" or, if you're pitiful "ooo, not mine!"

My favorite and easily the most addictive is Lego Indiana Jones. The characters are Lego versions of the movie icons, and your task is to solve puzzles, defend yourself, and find treasures along the way. We're still working our way through the story (we're only part way through the first movie...we're at the part where Indy and the guy fight by the prop plane). You move on to the next scene whenever you've solved the puzzle in that area that allows you to continue. And you of course, in Indy fashion, get to punch, or use your bullwhip on, the Lego Nazi's and watch them disintegrate into little Lego pieces, as well as swing through the trees on your whip while you rescue Marion from danger. Very satisfying. Way too easy to lose an hour or two of your life as you become Indy, but totally fun while you do.

All in all, a very Wii Christmas.


Steve Amstar said...

So glad the girls have found their gaming niche. I've never tried that cooking game before. Looks like too much of a challenge for me. I guess I'll stick to shooting things.

Jstar said...

BTW, over Christmas break Ben hit 100% on Lego Indy - the game is completely done! It's something for you to shoot for, Rich :)

maddy said...

hey emily I can't believe you went to Zions National Park! When I went I had alot of fun! I packed these one boots but my mom said i shouln't but i did anyways and so when we went hicking there was mud everywhere and it was easy for me to walk because i had boots on. And so when we went back to the car everybody had to change thier shoes but i din't because i had my boots. So i told my mom hahahahahhaha you see why i packed my boots and it has been a story to tell forever! madddy

Allen's wife said...

Hey, Rich, I have been trying to find you for a while. How the world are you? By the way, it's Karen Simpson.