Karen and I spent a romantic weekend down in Southern Utah at Zion National Park.Okay, so maybe romantic isn't quite the word. As you can see, we had our three children in tow.Zion is a place of immense, incredible beauty. So this post is going to be picture-rich.
We stayed at the aptly-named Majestic View Lodge. The majestic view from our balcony:And from the parking lot:Zion is a very arid environment, very hot summers and not lots of precipatation. There is a river that runs through the main canyon of the park, and we're standing on it's bank here. Since it is February, there is some snow around. Very strange to see cactus with snow on it.The snow made for some beautiful scenes. It's a stark contrast against the red cliffs towering hundreds of feet straight above us.I have no idea about the expressions on their faces...The snow and ice made hiking a bit slickery sometimes, but breathtaking as well.It also made the snow accumulate on Emily's shoes. She has an open area carved into the sole of her shoes, and the snow would pack in there and build up as she walked, until soon she was hiking in high heels.We hiked over a snow packed trail up to an overlook that gives an incredible view of part of the canyon.Up at the top of this ridge, about in the middle of this picture below, just above the still forming arch, is where we were standing when we took the previous pictures.The girls enjoyed being able to play in the snow a bit.It wasn't too much that we were kept from a hike, but enough that you could enjoy it.I thought I'd turned off my cell, but alas I didn't. Wouldn't you know it, those Verizon commericials are right. They really are everywhere.I'm trying to bask in God's glorious splendor and I get texts and calls from my colleagues back home about arrangements for Sunday. I really should have just left the phone in the car. Aargh.Take a breath. Look around. Ah....that's better.
A quick snap Karen took of herself and Jenna. Had to include it. They're just too adorable!
A fabulous, restful, awe-inspiring, glorious weekend away. Yahoo!
that is so cool i missed emily in the party but i guess she had as much fun as we did tell emily hi and you mr smith this blog is soooooooo cool well sewe u later your friend
What a great weekend!! I'm glad you had a good time. We missed you! Although I wanted to call... I didn't. Do I get cool points???
Oh no - you're going to make me feel homesick! Beautiful photos of one of my favorite families in one of the loveliest places on earth.
Wow! we love Zion in the snow. We are just a teeny bit jealous, but so glad you were able to take advantage of the weekend and GO! P.S. I don't think Shelby missed you one bit!
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