White Easter?
We had a nice snow storm yesterday, April 15. Big flakes, heavy snow. Got about 3-4 inches.
In mid-April.
Will Spring never come?
Then, this morning we wake up to this:Are you kidding me?In case you can't read the ruler, it says 9 inches of snow on our deck.
We already had daffodils blooming in the yard in front of our house.Oh, you can't see them? They're right there on the left corner of the porch. Oh, wait...THEY'RE BURIED IN SNOW!!
On April stinkin' 16th!"They" say that it'll be gone by tomorrow. After we possibly get some more this afternoon.I love winter, but this is nuts. Beautiful, but nuts.
Same thing happened here...I went to class in the rain and came out to snow on the ground! Surprise!
Well, at least you're not bitter. Oh, wait...
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