During our visit with the cousins, we tried at one point to wear them out by putting them in a pool on a hot day. When that didn't work we considered holding them under water until they were silenced, but finally decided that infanticide was probably not the solution we were looking for.
In the end, pool games were a better solution. Jenna, Jack and Anya getting ready for a mad dash across the pool.Jenna, Emily and Anya headed back the other way.
The splash as everyone has entered the pool. Kennedy waiting for the hub-bub to die out before taking a dive.Anya poised...what form...what style!Emily, Kennedy and Jenna.On another day, we headed over to the pool with our good friends, the Fox family. We started out with crazy dives. Emily just before a spectacular leap. (it's amazing how hard it is to catch them in mid dive with our snap and shoot digital camera. aargh.)
My pasty white back as I somersault into the water.
Sweet Naomi, fearless! And acrobatic!Grace, the consummate show-woman.Well, look who came out from behind the camera! My beautiful wife!
A watery train of Smithlettes and Foxlettes.
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