Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to Skoo's that time of year again. When our happy little family is broken up by that dreaded association: school.

Gone are the lazy days of laughing with the girls before I leave for work at the latest exploits of the Crocs and Zeeba naybas in Pearls Before Swine. We must now heartlessly cast aside bowls of cereal around the table whilst still in our PJs; turn away from the entertaining exploits of bumbling criminals as chronicled in the arrest blotter of the local paper until later in the day.

Such delights will now be replaced with frantic lunch-making, hastily snarfed breakfasts, quick glances at the forecast on the local news, and a mad scramble to get out the door on time after squeezing in a thorough tooth brushing (translated: extract the food bits from the oh-so-clingy braces) and grabbing the 20 lb back pack.
Jenna started last Wednesday, a full week before her elder sister, Anya, who starts this Wednesday. Emily is homeschooling again this year and has had a kind of graduated beginning: a few subjects have begun, but the full schedule will start up this week.

Jenna is quite bitter about the early commencement of her studies. I can't say as I blame her. But she'll be having the last laugh come May when she's finished and Anya has to trudge through another week into June. Then Anya will taste the bitter gall that is school while a sibling runs free.

Here Anya poses with her so-dorky-it's-cool Phineas & Ferb backpack.
Phineas & Ferb, for those of you unaware of its subtle joys, is quite possibly the best cartoon ever created. Certainly the best one ever on the Disney channel.
Granted, the bar is rather low on that one, but it's still a rockin' sweet show. As Karen said after a recent viewing, "I want them to be our neighbors so we can do all that stuff with them." I mean, really, who wouldn't want to travel on a rocket powered airplane around the world on the longest day of the year made longer by following the sun and enjoying a stopover in Tokyo, the Himalayas and Paris along the way? Not to mention turning said plane into a giant bouncing ball and plastic-baguette pontoon boat before the trip was done? Sound far-fetched? That's part of the cool factor.

They're so cool, they could only be more so if Steven Soderbergh directed an episode.

One more, totally unrelated shot before I stop my rambling.

All my fabulous gals snazzed up for a recent wedding we attended.
Aren't they fabulous?

Yeah, I know.


Steve Amstar said...

Totally agree on the Phineas and Ferb comments. Jamie and the boys became quite attached to that show when we were in Kazakhstan. It may have helped that it was the only tv show in english.

Hewitts4Him said...

Yes they are fabulous and you Rich, are a hoot!

Annette said...

Yes, indeedy, they are incredibly beautiful!!