Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A President, a Bennett and a, a Fairy

Here in Utah, if halloween falls on a Sunday, everyone Trick-or-Treats on Saturday night. I don't know if this is occurs else where (it didn't happen in Oklahoma when we lived there), but during our 8 halloweens in Utah, it's taken place twice.

So, on October 30, 2010, our girls donned their costumes and headed out for the annual collection o' the candy.

This year, our candy excursion was attended by Miss Elizabeth Bennett (of Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice)...
(yes, Anya was also Lizzie last year, but loved the costume that Grandma made her so much she wanted to do it again)

A delightful fairy...
with a modern twist, hence the jean jacket. Anya designed and applied the fairy makeup.

And our 16th President...
Anya made the beard for our little emancipator.

I must say, that Theater Makeup class that Anya took last year has really come in handy.

The whole crew of revelers.Emily and her "24 carat gold" friend, Jessie.
Had a great time, as always, and made a grand haul of sugary goodness.

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