Blog Family Drawing

by Anya

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Totally random

There's nothing that ties these shots together. Just a few odd pix I thought I'd put out there. Mainly because we're all so darn cute!

Four beautiful girls. BTW, Anya is sporting some new duds. Thanks, Aunt LeAnne!!

These are "mini-me". (not mini-Rich; mini-me, themselves; get it?) They put on big shirts, scrunch down with knees inside and then walk/scoot around. Here they were spies...or something like that. Or maybe they were just cool. I can't really say. And even if I could, they'd probably have to kill me afterward.

Just some Dad hugs and giggling.

Mom and Em, cuddle bugs.

G'pa is just a short bike ride away from us. He lives only 2 blocks north of us, but there's an orchard in between us, so we have to ride around it. Anyway, we saddled up for a quick trek over to Camp G'pa. Note Anya's runway pose. Tres chic.


The Fox Den said...

Ya'll are BEAUTIFUL!

ANNIE said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us and seeing a little of Smithereen life.